Friday 28 November 2014

"The Omerta's Deceivers"

Having hyped my notion of an "omerta" concerning The Yugoslavian conflict extending to R.T and Al Jazeera and then for R.T to screen a documentary detailing how (from The Russian perspective at least), The U.S State Dept. and  colluding interests within the European Powers conspired to tear Yugoslavia apart, does not invalidate my assertion (initially voice more than 18 months ago). What it does show is how I like most of us here in The West have underestimated the shrewd game the ex-KGB hand still in power in Moscow has been playing (and -to me at least-, somewhat accounts for his "soft-peddling" concerning The Syrian Crisis**), clearly Putin had predicted NATO's (for it is "The Now Actively Treacherous Oligarchy" that includes the U.S that is really in the European driving seat), actions on the streets of Kiev (and knew more than almost all us poor plebs did about "the moves" the European Union and United States of America were planning to make on The Ukrainians), again in my own defence I draw the readers attention to my comments in the autumn of  2009 on my thread; "What's that Coming Over the Hill?", quote: "I touched on the Polish issue in the last post and it bears more than a mention. The Poles (bless 'em), to whom we owe a great deal, would surely have been better served (as would we), if the E.U's unconsidered expansion to the very borders of Mother Russia had not taken place. The Germans who -virtually- single handedly destroyed the fabric of The United Nations by recognising an independent Croatia (another example of the actions of that ubiquitous and seemingly innocuous European butterfly "Chaossisaboundsis"), having done so then colluded with America (again? go to -Edit 21/11/10-), to point missiles up Putin's nose*.
Who spoke for sanity in any effective way at the time? Maybe you guys can name some names but does the public care? Not until "Polski the human crane" moves in next door.
Meanwhile The Empire marches on.
I tracked down the email for Ukranian President Victor Ushenko yesterday (I managed to translate enough Ukranian online to just about send an email requesting an international relations and trade speech site in English -he's is already a "Twitterer" I believe-).
More on "The Kiev Connection" follow....

*Of-course this "European Expansionism" I mention was aided and abetted (some might say "enabled"), by the N.A.T.O bias to the spin on international affairs that was instigated by The German Right (and possibly also the U.S Foreign Office, see link given above).

Dear Victor Ushenko poisoned and Colin Powell*..out of a job...
Having cruised the Ukranian President's website yesterday and finding online translation for Ukranian nearly impossible (possible only for the very smallest bits of text), when I did manage to email I simply suggested an English version of his important speeches (especially those on trade and foreign policy). We should keep ourselves (and be kept), informed of developments in the Ukraine it is an international "key-log" in the fight against oppression."

 However note also in a preceding paragraph, quote: "Ask yourselves how it has come to be acceptable for, for instance; The Russian and American presidents (ostensibly -and in reality- gnashing their teeth over Poland), to cabal themselves during the recent summit in Tokyo, get their heads together on how both to repair the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa reactor ( -Edited 11/12/10-), and keep the whole affair from the public?"

**Edit 01/11/15 This situation has also now changed, Putin having taken time to get some oversight on the crisis is playing his cards close to his chest as he demonstrates that he too can fight an (ostensibly), "humanitarian war" (or "justify his interventionism to the "sheepish-masses" just as often and convincingly as can The West").

 Putin's actions in "annexing" The Crimea are simply a tit-for-tat reaction to U.S attempts to extend its influence by abusing its relationship with The European States (and those same states stupidity in colluding with them), and a long-term strategic aim for Mother Russia because it denies The U.S a possible base in The Black Sea* (go to; "Analysts: Black Sea port in Ukraine still key to Russia's naval interests":
 That R.T should begin to screen documentaries on; "the true nature of The Yugoslavian Conflict" following the denouement of The First Act of this gripping drama is therefore hardly surprising; the scene has moved on, the wheels are in motion....Our  soft-fascism continues too with "The Omerta" in full-force regarding The Greater Europe for once again both Left and Right Wings in Britain have failed to grasp-the-nettle with regard to European immigration. Quote: "How has Pallas Athena offended us so badly as to provoke us to perpetrate these obscenities? Well for one thing The European Union is too big ( ), as Schumacher intimated in "Small is Beautiful";  "a "Greater Europe" will represent an unsupported socio-economic structure and must collapse" (and now the NATO agenda has created precisely the dangerous leviathan necessary to do the demolition work)!
Why should not The Poles (who "don't like" The Germans and consistently produce the lowest turn out of any E.U nation in European elections), The Western Ukrainians (bye bye Crimea!), and the other recently assimilated Eastern European States attend to their own business? Such would surely be both socially and financially better for all of us.
Take the debacle over the Shengen agreement. Really Mr.Major? Your country's citizens got nothing out of that, is Europe only for the businessmen then? It seems so (quote; "The free movement of persons was a core part of the original Treaty of Rome" go to: ). One would think that it would be the job of our country's liberal-left to point out the diminishment of persons that not becoming signatories to The Shengen Agreement represented but noooo as so often where European politics is concerned there was a terrible silence in the oppositional barn." Go to: ""The European Arrest Warrant" Should be Applied to this Bunch!":
 According to both our politicians and the Mainstream Media The British people are faced with a stark choice; either remain in The Greater Europe and go-down-with-the-ship or abandon the vessel completely and take our chances on the open sea! The trouble is a two-state-solution does not suit the monetarised NATO/Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agenda that now drives European politics (one reason Cameron would really like to see us in rather than out of Europe**). Cameron's attempted bi-partisan stance has already had it's consequences for British democracy, quote: "Those forces within the European Union which are pushing for the federally administrated fascism of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ("TTIP"), and the "Nato-isation" of Eastern Europe have no interest in democracy such as that represented by the exercise of their rights of self-determination by the European Electorate (or anyone else come to that)! That any politician or any commentator should have considered that entering into a vote on independence for the Scottish People without first determining how Scotland (and the rest of the U.K), would cope economically and continue to trade with the rest of The World should the vote be "Yes" is clearly asinine. Or is it? Not if you depend for your power-base on anachronistic institutions which are anathema to the "modern" (community centred), democratic process it isn't! Perhaps Alex Salmond felt powerless against The Eurasian State but does this excuse his seeming lack of ability to go toe-to-toe with The Euro-fascists on the issue of currency union? Certainly the fire-breathing Euro-dragon has become a formidable and heavily armed opponent for any single postulant or squire." Go to; "The Omerta's Blind Spot?:
 Racists and bigots who wish merely to demonise others and draw attention away from the true causes of the crisis that afflicts us can easily exploit such a polarised situation, this is why the rights of self-determination and the free movement of persons are essential to the health of European democracy.The Americans say: "it's the economy stupid" but is that because they are? The cultural, religious and ethnic problems which beset Europe in The Twentieth Century were to be ameliorated and the previous hurts repaired (eventually), by the integration (at least partially), of the formerly warring European States, surely it is therefore no lie to state that Europe has failed in its endeavours when  war becomes the only solution (and -yet again-, and arm-of-business), as in the cases of both Yugoslavia and The Ukraine***?

*Not an aim it is impossible to sympathise with especially when you live (as I do), close to an American base on British soil.
 **What posturing! What duplicity! Surely dear reader the man who portrays himself as a "reluctant European" would not have signed-up our National Health Service to the TTIP agenda? Quote: "The UK government has no plans to exclude the NHS, or any other public service, from the free trade agreement which is being negotiated between the EU and US.
Speaking to journalists today, Trade Minister Lord Livingston said the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would not have any impact on the NHS and, therefore, the UK negotiation team will not be pushing for its exclusion.
"The idea that this will lead to privatisation of the NHS is not true," Livingston said, adding that individual procurement groups will make decisions over whether to use US healthcare providers and that should TTIP come into effect, "the NHS will still look like it does today".
The statement serves to clarify the government's stance and comes despite pressure from trade unions and NGOs to veto the inclusion of public services in TTIP." Go to; "TTIP: Government Will Not Exclude NHS From Free Trade Agreement":
***What value The Nobel Peace prize when it is given (unearned and undeserved), to those who go on to perpetrate and perpetuate war?


Wednesday 26 November 2014

"American "Justice" re: #Ferguson."

If I have one criticism of Rev. Al Sharpton and the others it is this; "How can you fight what is clearly a racist, bigoted and sectarian system without dealing with the "root-and-branch" issues with regard to the judiciary and sentencing structures?" American justice is a joke in the rest of the World but the dear old Isolationist (which despite its "influence" the U.S still is), Stars and Bars doesn't seem to realise this. Why? Well it's not so much the courts (which have their problems but this is true of court systems throughout the World), but the clearly prejudiced nature of the processes which lead to convictions which carry the death sentence and the length of many of the other sentences they pass which might as well be (some might say that "one" would be better-off)!
 It used to be the case (before being cleverly subverted by the extension of its influence), that the U.S would at least be influenced by the more liberal and less hysterical judicial and sentencing policies of "The Old Countries" (we -having instigated the practice-, abandoned slavery earlier and have outlawed capital punishment), but the Jehovah Complex that drives the notion that there is any meaning -or any justice-, in sentencing someone for; two, three, four, five times their natural lifespan (which seems most infantile to the European "reasoning mind"), shows just how much distance really exists between the North American and European cultures. What the practice of passing such ("draconian" hardly covers it), ludicrous sentences displays is a deep insecurity in the American psyche, the attempt being not just to control this but also subsequent generations whose actions against those who claim (so long and loudly), to represent the spirit and philosophy of the Founding Fathers it is feared must be prevented. This policy attempts (esp. whilst  "Republicanism" is wedded to support for the hereditary principle -all very "Democratic"-), to ensure the continuance of the control that a small number of families have over the American people (and enshrine it in the Tabernacle of the Law for a thousand years!). Until The United States finally negotiate these pubescent problems they will remain a powerfully muscled but spotty faced teenager in the School of Law. Perhaps their attempt at "generational authority" is a function of The Frankenstein Complex that has lead the U.S furthest down the road to the creation of slave-life that the practice of genetic modification represents! After all if you can clone people you can make their genes serve the sentences you inflict, then at least "JUSTICE" would be seen to be done (something the instigators of these crimes against humanity crave to fuel their pathological megalomanias)!

Sunday 23 November 2014

"Promoting "The Brand" and the New Media"

"Honey, I'm the original one-eyed chicklet in the kingdom of the blind. 'Cause at least I admit the world makes me nuts."

Do we understand the "New Media"? Is the internet really a place of innovation and creativity? It seems to me that we are too easily fooled by the seductive notion that communication and inclusivity naturally flow from the boundless cornucopia of technological innovation. "You get what you pay for" Silicon Valley may argue (without of-course actually contributing to the debate themselves), and "they" would be right! Talking the talk involves walking the walk but in order to ambulate a grasp of what represents true content is essential! Linked to the corporate structure? Yes, but that's like saying don't use any branded products at all, the responsibility of freedom lies with each and every one of us but our "homo-genius" society teaches individualism not team work. Of-course not all technological innovation is even safe to use but "one" can see the influence such devices have on our culture and discourse! Like nuclear power there are no upsides to; cell-phones, Wi-Fi, mobile-phones etc. they represent a method of thought-control whose influence and authority are reinforced by the collusion of those who wish to remain in denial. Such denial makes compliant sheep who will walk happily to the slaughter but I do not wish to be among them. Do they steal away the spirits.....


? Do they damage yours?

"Soul-less" does what it says on the tin, which is why I believe Russel Brand and others should be involved in bringing some true "Soul" (and Blues and Reggae etc. etc.), back to "The Web" and creating on on-line platform for debate and creativity free of the old-empires of "Auntie Beeb" and the rest, investment would be required of course but we can "Crowd-Fund" for goodness sake; "we have nothing to lose but our chains"!

Also see; ""We've got you surrounded!" (The threats to our bodies' bio-magnetic fields)" Go to:

Saturday 22 November 2014

"A New Cold War"

There are many types of "cold" just as there are many types of "heat" but to continue to characterise the current antagonism and proxy conflict between The NATO Countries and Russia as; "a new Cold War" is utterly duplicitous (I say "duplicitous" rather than asinine because I'm sure that many of the major players in the bloody soap opera which is The Ukrainian Crisis are well aware that they are exploiting; ethnic, social and cultural divisions which should have been left on The Twentieth Century's battlefields). It is a sham that is easily exposed once the real-politik is examined; NATO was formed in order to take on The Comintern but whatever "one" says about Putin he is no Communist, that is not to say however that the current antagonism between East and West has not developed from the economically determined conflicts of the Twentieth Century (which is also not to say that there were no other reasons for war simply that it is the economic imperative that has prevailed, quote: "It just gets worse..."Newsnight" (say for instance), want some talking heads to discuss The European Union so they get economists, infact with a determination that Karl Marx himself might have admired such journalists and broadcasters invariably chose to consult...economists (however I doubt very much that Marx would have admired the economists they choose). It is "as if" we are no longer members of a society (a "body politic" perhaps but even that is now infected with the "Matrix-like" ability to transform all politicians into "economists"), for the social implications of any event or policy decision are desublimated to the economic realm. "Bani Walid! Mustapha Leak!" (somewhere), but not on the BBC or any other domestic media in the U.K ("He'll be vague, ask for Hague!"). Unfortunately although the U.K population is now able to access good quality news broadcasting services from elsewhere in The World as never before (and the full effect on the U.K population of sudden exposure to broadcasters like, Max Keiser, Abby Martin or Thom Hartmann on Russia Today -"R.T"-, or the excellent documentaries on "Al Jazeera" -for instance-, cannot as yet be assessed), the "omerta" concerning discussion of the true nature of The Yugoslavian conflict and the economic, social and political consequences of "The Wider European Union" that is so rigidly adhered to and enforced by The European Media applies to R.T* and Al Jazeera as-well (whose collusion indicates both the true extent of the omerta's influence and it's source). Russia's behaviour (and that of the westernised arab states), which is similar to that of America with regard to foreign and domestic policy dictates that such should be the case, for just as it is not in N.A.T.O's interest to encourage stability in the middle east it is not in Russia's to encourage the formation of an Eastern European economic and political community (whatever did happen to ours?), Russia's embrace of monetarist values and "laissez-faire" ensures that her foreign policy decisions are taken solely in order to maximise short term profits for a small group of people in just the same way as are those of the member states of N.A.T.O." Go to: "The "European" Omerta." ).
Observers who insist (because many depend upon), stoking the fires of hysteria with regard to a nuclear stand-off between the old enemies are as guilty of perpetuating Orwellian double-think as are the perpetrators, War (even "Cold War"), is not peace! As in the-meat-grinder of Stalingrad you are likely to be shot by your own side if you refuse to fight. Our former evolutionary and environmental concerns have metamorphosed but are still being driven by capital's "Exceptional Manifest Destiny", however I'm sure Orwell would have appreciated the counter-intuitive nature of the transformation especially as we witness the creation of the faux-hegemonic totalitarian oligarchies he so feared (but they are vital to monetarism's survival and not the product of The International!).

*Quote: "That R.T should begin to screen documentaries on; "the true nature of The Yugoslavian Conflict" following the denouement of The First Act of this "gripping" drama is therefore hardly surprising; the scene has moved on, the wheels are in motion...." Go to:

Wednesday 12 November 2014

"The European Arrest Warrant Should be Applied to this Bunch!"

Marvelous "Double-Think" going on this week (it's where to start is all), pick & choose "Democracy" from the U.K Govt.! Right we don't want "The European Convention on Human Rights" so we'll discuss that but we do want "The European Arrest Warrant" so we won't discuss that (having openly declared that the E.U Arrest Warrant would indeed be discussed in The House)! We don't support the current E.U structure but we will collude in denying The Scots the chance to vote on an independence that won't break the bank! We now see this Real Politik in all our representational institutions from local government to the United Nations. Monetarism's Social Darwinism is becoming more evident, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership being the vehicle by which the transatlantic neo-con agenda (now the driving philosophy of NATO), is being rammed through the European Body Politic to the borders of Mother Russia herself (and throughout Turkey and -by extension-, The Middle East as-well). How has Pallas Athena offended us so badly as to provoke us to perpetrate these obscenities? Well for one thing The European Union is too big ( ), as Schumacher intimated in "Small is Beautiful";  "a "Greater Europe" will represent an unsupported socio-economic structure and must collapse" (and now the NATO agenda has created precisely the dangerous leviathan necessary to do the demolition work)!
Why should not The Poles (who "don't like" The Germans and consistently produce the lowest turn out of any E.U nation in European elections), The Western Ukrainians (bye bye Crimea!), and the other recently assimilated Eastern European States* attend to their own business? Such would surely be both socially and financially better for all of us.
Take the debacle over the Shengen agreement. Really Mr.Major? Your country's citizens got nothing out of that, is Europe only for the businessmen then? It seems so (quote; "The free movement of persons was a core part of the original Treaty of Rome" go to: ). One would think that it would be the job of our country's "liberal-left" to point out the "diminishment of persons" that not becoming signatories to The Shengen Agreement represented but noooo as so often where European politics is concerned there was a terrible silence in the "oppositional barn".
We can however sleazily expel a rabble rousing inciter of terrorism to the whited sepulcre of his native land because the rest of Europe doesn't really want to be implicated in our extraordinary rendition problems (partly because of their own involvement but mostly because there is TTIP and other money involved -"investments" which would be jeaporidised by exposing Britain-)!

*Possibly and perhaps "more sensibly" Turkey also?

Also see:  "Perfidious Albion" "Shady Deals" "The "European" Omerta."  "Never Under Estimate the Power of The Dark Side Mr.Secretary" "The Omerta's Blind Spot?"