Saturday 29 October 2016

#ProzacKitten: "It Might be As-well to Consider that it is this Woman who Could Soon be in Control of the Most Powerful and Extensive Arsenal on the Planet" #Hillary

"Constitutional Difficulties"? 

Quote; ""No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State."
Article I, Section 9, Clause 8

DEFINITION of 'Emolument' Compensation for employment, services or holding office. Emolument is generally used in a legal context. Emolument can vary depending on the type and length of service being performed.

In my opinion as a American Citizen, I find Hillary Clinton disqualified from public service due to the fact that she, while in public office, took Emolument from the heads of foreign states to include Princes, Presidents, and Potentates. She took Emoluments from Governments and Kings Alike and placed them into the Clinton Foundation. And in the Constitution it clearly says "OF ANY KIND"." Go to:

Quote; "Bill to shut everyone up
A new bill has been proposed in Congress, HR 2819, that prohibits any “officer or employee of the Federal Government from providing information about the mission to kill Osama bin Laden to any person outside the Federal Government…”" Go to:

..or at least try too..Quote; "

The Podesta emails show that Democratic power brokers won’t reward labor’s unwavering loyalty or record contributions.

AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka told labor journalist Josh Eidelson that the union federation “won’t be taken for granted” by the White House and the Democratic Party. Fast forward to a recent Wall Street Journal article: union contributions to politicians (almost entirely Democrats) are up 38 percent, with the AFL-CIO chipping in $11 million and SEIU over $30 million.
It’s possible, I suppose, that unions have devised a secret method for holding Democrats accountable behind closed doors while shoveling ever-greater mounds of money into their coffers. Labor has long backed a party that is addicted to scorning and betraying them, but maybe this time, with some well-timed whispers in politicians’ ears and a couple extra million in donations thrown in, things will be different.
But recent WikiLeaks emails of union leaders’ correspondence with high-ups in Hillary Clinton’s campaign suggest that rather than buying support for a working-class agenda from the candidate through their massive contributions — and through some leaders’ efforts to sink Bernie Sanders’s primary challenge to Clinton — labor will keep getting more of the same.
Cora Lewis of BuzzFeed has written a helpful breakdown of some of the most noteworthy messages in the leak. The emails show less outright contempt for the unions footing the bulk of the bill for Clinton’s impending victory than a careful and constant strategic dance. Her campaign wanted to exert as little effort as possible on labor’s behalf and keep unions’ expectations low while staying on their good side.
How does the campaign feel about coming out in support of the low-wage Walmart workers who have been organizing for years to escape poverty wages and vicious union-busting? Well, first there are some practical questions.
“[W]ill doing this invite a new round of stories about her walmart days?” adviser Maya Harris asks in one email, referring to the six years Clinton sat on the company’s board (during which she voiced nary a word of protest about its abusive labor practices, particularly against women).
The obvious answer is yes — and the campaign doesn’t want to draw any more attention to Clinton’s Walmart ties.
Okay, so no strong endorsement. Can the Walmart workers at least get a tweet in support, Clinton campaign labor outreach director Nikki Budzinski asks. Just 140 characters? “The tweet never came, and to this day there’s never been a tweet from @HillaryClinton uttering the name of the country’s largest private employer,” Lewis notes.
Final assessment of Clinton and Walmart workers: “Heard, considered, ultimately ignored.”" Go to: For full article.

 Also... quote; "Jim Comey* learned that some of his own investigators were tipping off both Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton, thus making his job impossible.

Comey sent a letter to congress knowing that ultimately, it would expose Loretta Lynch as a dirty actor and the bread crumbs would lead directly to Obama. The State Dept is terrified now. He has assembled a small team of 40 agents, whom he has declared the “Untouchables” after the famous federal agent, Eliot Ness.

Comey has clamped down on all FBI agents and he expects a full scale war between FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ), the White House and the State Department. He has confirmed and understands that many sitting senators, congressmen, lobbyists and power players are going to be indicted and prosecuted. One of the main targets of the probe is the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative. Among the targets under investigation are Podesta, Huma, Cheryl Mills, CNN, ABC, NBC, etc.

As it turns out, Weiner, Huma’s husband, had been forwarding Huma’s emails each time she came home and left her computer open. Huma appears to have been in touch with Saudi actors, and therefore, ESPIONAGE is strongly suspected.

“Comey and his 40 “Untouchables” are now preparing to take down the largest corruption ever witnessed in American History… which, is what I think MUST happen if Comey is planning to stay part of the FBI. He lost so much respect and so much credibility with the first Hillary investigation, it would take something of this magnitude to allow him to face the public again.“

The Pentagon has internal players and outside players they call “creatives”. Creatives are civilians who tend to be geniuses, malcontents, extreme hackers, or otherwise demonstrate brilliance in other useful areas. A Pentagon program called Cicada 3301, which we have reported on previously, was created by several of these talented civilians. The program is now used to allow thousands of honest Government people to report on their corrupt superiors, using what is called a DEAD BOX whistle blower encryption method so the non-corrupted Government officials can report corruption and still remain safe." Go to:

For full article.

*"A Yonkers, New York native, James Comey graduated from the College of William & Mary and the University of Chicago Law School. Following law school, Comey served as an assistant United States attorney for both the Southern District of New York and the Eastern District of Virginia. Comey returned to New York to become the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. In 2003, he became the deputy attorney general at the Department of Justice (DOJ).
Comey left DOJ in 2005 to serve as general counsel and senior vice president at defense contractor Lockheed Martin*. Five years later, he joined Bridgewater Associates, a Connecticut-based investment fund, as its general counsel." From;

*Bold italics mine.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

The Horrible; "Can't Possibly be True" Story of "Paedophile Island" #Clinton #Trump #Monarchy

Quote; "A stunning new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the entire US presidential election is nearing an “explosive crisis” over a secretly made Israeli intelligence video recording showing former President Bill Clinton raping a 13-year-old girl child that Hillary Clinton has kept hidden from public knowledge with help from the American propaganda mainstream media—but by her embroiling Donald Trump in her husbands sex crimes now threatens it being released. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, the video recording of Bill Clinton raping this 13-year-old girl child was “created/engineered” by Israel’s Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (MOSSAD) “Clothing Shop Network” (Магазин/одежды/חנות בגדים) whose main “organizer/facilitator” is the “international money man of mysteryJeffery Epstein—and who is now being called “The Billionaire Pedophile Who Could Bring Down Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton”.
MOSSADS “Clothing Shop Network”, this report explains, was originated in the early 1980’s by one of the most secretive billionaires in American named Leslie Wexner, and whose father (Harry Wexner—changed from Hagan Wexelstein) emigrated to the United States in the late 1930’s from the Jewish Autonomous Oblast (former Soviet Union).
The “Clothing Shop Network” name itself, this report continues, was derived from Leslie Wexner being one of America’s top clothiers—and who owns the US-based fashion retailers L Brands and Victoria’s Secret." Go to: For full article and video.

Quote; "the people attending the lavish residence are not likely to go there to discuss “cutting edge scientific and medical research” as the Epstein VI Foundation would like you to believe, but rather go there to experience full-on sexual encounters with underage girls as young as fourteen.
That’s right, just like a scene out of the Hollywood blockbuster film Eyes Wide Shut, starring Tom Cruise, from wild parties to prostitution, orgies and even underage sex, Little St. James reportedly has it all and is seemingly a gathering point frequented by prominent jet-setters, and it is all being exposed. The cat is out of the bag so to speak.
Back in 2005 police conducted an 11-month-long undercover investigation on Jeffery Epstein and his estate after the mother of a 14-year-old girl went to police after suspecting her daughter was paid $300 for at least one sexual act on the island in which she was ordered to strip, leaving on just her panties while giving Epstein a massage.
Although police found tons of photos of young women on the island and even interviewed eyewitnesses, Epstein was hit with a mere slap on the wrist after "pleading to a single charge of prostitution." Epstein later served 13-months of his 18-month service in jail.
In 2008 Epstein was hit again, this time with a $50 million civil suit after another victim, a woman, made a filing in a federal court claiming that she was “recruited” by Epstein to give him a “massage” but was essentially forced into having sexual intercourse with him for $200, which was payable upon completion.
Additionally it is important to point out that Bill Clinton has been mentioned by the press often over the years — and not just for his controversial relationship with Monica Lewinsky, but rather his friendship with Jeffery Epstein." ...and...
"“Prince Andrew was allegedly one of the house’s visitors. On Friday, the Duke of York was named in a federal lawsuit filed against Epstein, whom the FBI once reportedly linked to 40 young women. Filed in 2008 in the Southern District of Florida, the $50 million lawsuit claimed Epstein had a “sexual preference and obsession for underage minor girls … gained access to primarily economically disadvantaged minor girls in his home, sexually assaulted these girls”, as reported by the Washington Post." Go to:
For full article.

Quote; "Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is fighting what could be the biggest election season bombshell yet — explosive court claims that he raped a woman when she was a teen.
The woman — identified as Katie Johnson — filed documents in a California court on April 26, accusing Trump and billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein of “sexual abuse under threat of harm” and “conspiracy to deprive civil rights,” has exclusively learned.
She filed the lawsuit herself — without legal representation — and is suing for $100 million.
READ The Outrageous Allegations
Trump told Radar moments ago: “The allegations are not only categorically false, but disgusting at the highest level and clearly framed to solicit media attention or, perhaps, are simply politically motivated. There is absolutely no merit to these allegations. Period.”
PHOTOS: The Prince & The Pedophile! The Jeffrey Epstein Sex Scandal
Johnson’s complaint, obtained by Radar, alleges the duo forced “her to engage in various perverted and depraved sex acts by threatening physical harm to [her] and also her family,” “making her their sex slave” from June to September 1994.
“She was subject to extreme sexual and physical abuse” from the age of 13, it’s claimed in the papers." Go to: For full article.

 ..and more from "The Political Insider"
Quote; "What’s that horrible smell? It is Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign bursting into flames.
We all have known for decades that former president Bill Clinton is an infamous sleazebag who has cheated on Hillary dozens of times. He seems to have an uncontrollable urge to be a philanderer, and yet the Democrat party treat him as their elder spokesman.
But that’s about to change — as a former “sex slave” is showing that Bill is even more disgusting than you might have thought… this is criminal and SICK!
Former President Bill Clinton took a romantic jaunt in 2002 to convicted pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein’s “orgy island” with “two young girls” from New York, according to a shocking new interview.
Virginia Roberts, who’s accused Epstein of turning her into a “sex slave” at age 17 and forcing her to sleep with his powerful friends, claimed Clinton stayed in one of the many villas on Epstein’s US Virgin Islands estate — where group sex was a “regular occurrence.”
“I remember asking Jeffrey, ‘What’s Bill Clinton doing here?’ kind of thing, and he laughed it off and said, ‘Well, he owes me a favor,’ ” Roberts told her lawyers in a 2011 interview obtained by “He never told me what favors they were.”
Bubba was accompanied by two of Epstein’s regular girlfriends and “two young girls that I could identify,” Roberts claimed.
“I never really knew them well anyways. It was just two girls from New York,” she said." Go to: For full article.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Obfuscation, Occultation, Escalation and Deceit: "Oooh! That Red White and Blue!" #Yemen

Quote; "Which brings us to Yemen, that largely ignored Middle Eastern nation 2,500 kilometres to the south of Syria. Like Syria, a deeply unpopular president is being desperately propped up by foreign powers, as assorted internal factions, from the ascendant Houthi rebels in the north to al-Qaeda in the south and east, take advantage of the power vacuum following the implosion of the Yemeni state in 2011. In fact, it’s fair to say that Yemen’s nominal president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, commands even less domestic support than Assad. That’s because Hadi owes his reign not to the activists who prompted the exit of his predecessor, President Saleh, but to the United Nations and the Saudi-dominated Gulf Cooperation Council, which effectively appointed him leader as part of the so-called Yemeni transition agreement in 2011. In the words of a researcher based in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa: ‘[Hadi] has no military power, no real political power, no support base on the ground, no tribal support base. In reality, what’s he got? It’s the international community.’
So in Yemen, it’s not Russia propping up a panicked, illegitimate ruler through sheer military force; it’s the ‘international community’, with Saudi Arabia, backed by the US and the UK, leading the charge. Indeed, so tenuous has Hadi’s grip on power become that over the past 18 months the Saudis – with the US and the UK providing airborne refuelling, drone-fed intelligence and billions of dollars of weaponry – have been busy trying to bomb Yemen’s restive population into submission. The UN itself estimates that, since 2015, Saudi airstrikes have killed over 4,000 civilians, and led to 2.8million people being displaced.
This weekend, the unfolding catastrophe in Yemen did pique the interest of the Western media when it emerged that Saudi forces had ‘double-tapped’ a Houthi funeral. This means that two bombs were dropped: the first to kill those in attendance, the second to kill those responding to help the casualties. In the end, 140 died, and 500 were wounded. But for anyone who has been following the conflict, this US-furnished, Saudi-executed attack on a civilian target was not an aberration; it was par for the course. Over the past 18 months, Saudi airstrikes have blown apart schools, destroyed hospitals, and razed markets and factories to the ground.
And what have those eager to denounce Russia in Syria had to say about their own nations’ involvement in Yemen? Have they alluded to the bombing of Guernica? Have they condemned the US-armed Saudis’ barbarism? Not exactly. In a speech earlier this summer, then foreign secretary Philip Hammond said ‘the Yemen crisis [is] high on the agenda’, but that allowing Hadi to fall ‘is simply not an option’. Kerry himself travelled to the Royal Air Base in Riyadh in January this year, nearly a year into the Saudis’ aerial bombardment of Yemen, to pledge America’s ongoing support. ‘We have made it clear that we stand with our friends in Saudi Arabia’, he said warmly. And Power, the poster girl for Western ‘humanitarianism’? She said that America’s military support for Saudi Arabia might reduce casualties in the long run.
In fact, although no one in Westminster or on Capitol Hill is prepared to justify the bombing of a funeral, few are prepared to condemn Saudi Arabia and question its Western support with anything like the same burning zeal with which they lambast Russia and Assad. As a Downing Street spokeswoman said at the weekend, although the UK government is ‘shocked’ at the targeting of a funeral, there is no plan at the moment ‘to review our relations with Saudi Arabia’.
The stench of hypocrisy is overpowering. It seems that those now keen to pose as peacekeepers in Syria are all too happy to continue warmongering in Yemen." Go to:
For full article.

Quote; "Britain has, in short, become Saudi Arabia’s proxy on the international stage as it pummels Yemen from the air in an attempt to restore Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi -  the internationally recognised Yemeni president who fled to Riyadh, begging for protection, after he was chased out of his country by rebels from the north Yemen Houthi movement.
This is the very troubling diplomatic background to the funeral bombing in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa on Saturday. Even though four days have passed, details are still emerging. Nobody is yet certain how many died.
Official figures state 140 were killed, along with countless injured, many of whom need urgent medical treatment which is unavailable in Sanaa hospitals. However, thanks to the Saudi air blockade, they cannot get out of the country to obtain the life-saving treatment they need.

Britain bears a very heavy responsibility for this murder, mayhem and carnage. Yet the response from Middle East Minister Tobias Ellwood has been wretched.
He says that he had "raised concerns" with Saudi Arabia. I have studied the minister’s morally abject statement. The unfortunate Ellwood cannot even bring himself to condemn the attack, and has not demanded an independent investigation.
This is part of a pattern of behaviour from Ellwood. I am coming to believe that his persistent failure to condemn the savage acts committed by Saudi Arabia and its allies in the Yemeni conflict makes him an accessory to mass murder.
Consider the facts: in the face of repeated Saudi atrocities, Britain continues to supply arms to Saudi Arabia and we have effectively blocked the establishment of an international independent investigative mechanism to look into the conflict.
Meanwhile, Britain has advisers in control rooms assisting Saudi-led coalition bombing raids across Yemen. What on earth are they doing there?
A Ministry of Defence spokesman told The Telegraph in January that these advisers are in Saudi Arabia to ensure “best practice” and make sure that international humanitarian law is observed.
If that is the case, Britain's military advisers in Saudi Arabia are a bunch of incompetents who are failing scandalously in their task. Either they are indeed exceptionally incompetent, or the government is not being straight about their true role.
There are urgent, burning questions to be answered about the true role of British advisers in Saudi Arabia as the massacre of civilians continues.

We also know that Ellwood (and other ministers) have repeatedly misled the House of Commons about their knowledge of Saudi atrocities, something they were obliged to confess in statements in July.
Meanwhile, he makes excuses for Saudi conduct. This is what he told MPs on the floor of the Commons in January: “We are aware that the Houthis, who are very media-savvy in such a situation, are using their own artillery pieces deliberately, targeting individual areas where the people are not loyal to them, to give the impression that there have been air attacks.”
On Tuesday, I asked the Foreign Office for evidence to support Ellwood’s eye-catching claim that the Houthis were massacring their own people in order to fool the world into thinking that the Saudis were attacking Yemeni civilians."..and...
"An official declined to answer on the basis that "we can’t comment on intelligence matters" and suggested that I approach Saudi Arabia to find out more." Go to:
For full article.

Quote; "The U.S. military launched cruise missile strikes on Thursday to knock out three coastal radar sites in areas of Yemen controlled by Iran-aligned Houthi forces, retaliating after failed missile attacks this week on a U.S. Navy destroyer, U.S. officials said.

The strikes, authorized by President Barack Obama, represent Washington's first direct military action against suspected Houthi-controlled targets in Yemen's conflict.
Still, the Pentagon appeared to stress the limited nature of the strikes, which were aimed at radar that enabled the launch of at least three missiles against the U.S. Navy destroyer USS Mason since Sunday.
"These limited self-defense strikes were conducted to protect our personnel, our ships, and our freedom of navigation," Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said.
U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said U.S. Navy destroyer USS Nitze launched the Tomahawk cruise missiles around 4 a.m. local (0100 GMT).
"These radars were active during previous attacks and attempted attacks on ships in the Red Sea," including the USS Mason, one of the officials said, adding the targeted radar sites were in remote areas where the risk of civilian casualties was low.
The official identified the areas in Yemen where the radar were located as: near Ras Isa, north of Mukha and near Khoka.
The failed missile attacks on the USS Mason - the latest of which took place on Wednesday - appeared to be part of the reaction to a suspected Saudi-led strike on mourners gathered in Yemen's Houthi-held capital Sanaa." Go to:
For full article.

Quote; "At around 6 p.m. local time on Wednesday, a US Navy destroyer detected an incoming missile attack from territory in Yemen controlled by Iran-aligned Houthi rebels, the second such incident in the past four days, a Pentagon statement said.

The USS Mason, which was accompanying the USS Ponce, an amphibious-transport dock without the same missile-defense capabilities, took "defensive countermeasures" in response.
None of the incoming missiles hit the USS Mason or Ponce as it sailed in international waters north of the Bab al-Mandab, the Pentagon statement said.
This marks the second time in four days missiles from Houthi-controlled parts of Yemen have targeted US Navy ships, and the second time the US ships have responded by firing missiles to intercept the incoming salvos.
So far, the US has undertaken no direct military action against the Iranian-backed Houthi uprising in Yemen, however the Pentagon statement said the following:
"Those who threaten our forces should know that the US commanders retain the right to defend their ships, and we will respond to this threat at the appropriate time and in the appropriate manner. "
The USS Mason and Ponce moved off the coast of Yemen after an October 1 incident where Houthi militants took responsibility for a missile attack that savaged the HSV Swift, a former US Navy ship used by the United Arab Emirates.
On Sunday, the USS Mason fired two SM-2 interceptor missiles — an Evolved Seasparrow Missile (ESM) used for closer threats and a Nulka antiship missile decoy — to counter missiles coming from Yemen.
Bryan Clark, a naval analyst at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, said Sunday's event was "very significant."
“It might be the first time the SM-2 was used against an actual threat for which it was designed,” Clark said. “It’s definitely the first time ESM has been used … This is obviously a huge deal.”
Now it appears the US Navy has had to repeat this extraordinary feat just days later.
The Houthis, who are battling the internationally recognized government of Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour al-Hadi, denied any involvement in the previous attempt to strike the USS Mason or the nearby USS Ponce on Sunday" Go to:
For full article.

Quote; "Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an independent international medical humanitarian organization that provides aid to people in some 60 countries whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe, primarily due to armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, exclusion from health care, or natural disasters.
I'm raising funds and awareness to support its response to emergencies in Yemen.  Your donation will be put to work immediately to deliver urgent medical care including treatment for malnutrition, emergency surgery, and lifesaving vaccinations for people in Yemen." Go to:

Monday 10 October 2016

"A Farewell to Kings"

"A Farewell to Kings

When they turn the pages of history
When these days have passed long ago
Will they read of us with sadness
For the seeds that we let grow
We turned our gaze
From the castles in the distance
Eyes cast down
On the path of least resistance
Cities full of hatred
Fear and lies
Withered hearts
And cruel, tormented eyes
Scheming demons
Dressed in kingly guise
Beating down the multitude
And scoffing at the wise
The hypocrites are slandering
The sacred halls of Truth
Ancient nobles showering
Their bitterness on youth
Can’t we find
The minds that made us strong
Can’t we learn
To feel what’s right and wrong
Cities full of hatred
Fear and lies
Withered hearts
And cruel, tormented eyes
Scheming demons
Dressed in kingly guise
Beating down the multitude
And scoffing at the wise
Can’t we raise our eyes
And make a start
Can’t we find the minds
To lead us closer to the Heart?" Go to:
""Geddy" Lee (so called because although his Jewish mother had given him an "anglicised" name she could not pronounce "Gary"), and the guys!....
..........Canada's treasure, quote; "Rush Win Governor General's Award.....
 After decades spent selling millions of albums, winning Junos and basking in the glow of their adoring fanbase, iconic Canadian prog rockers Rush have now been bestowed with the nation's prestigious Governor General's Performing Arts Award.

A press conference in Calgary earlier this morning (March 6) revealed that the trio, along with a list of another Canadian notables, were announced as laureates in 2012 for their "outstanding lifetime contribution to Canada's cultural life." Each laureate wins a $25,000 cash award from the Canada Council of Arts and a commemorative medallion from the Royal Canadian Mint.

The core of Alex Lifeson, Neil Peart and Geddy Lee have been honoured in Canada before, with each member being inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame in 1994, but the group still have not been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, OH, despite selling millions of records in the U.S. They have been eligible since 1999, marking 25 years since the release of their self-titled debut." Go to:

This was finally remedied in 2013, quote;
CTV: Rush inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
LOS ANGELES — Rush fans can relax. The band is now officially in the  Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Canadian rockers were welcomed into the musical fraternity at Thursday’s 28th annual induction ceremony by the Foo Fighters’ Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins. “We’ve been saying for a long time that this wasn’t a big deal,” drummer-lyricist Neil Peart told the Nokia Theatre crowd, most of whom came out to specifically support the band. “It turns out, it kind of is.” Full article and video here:
" Go to:

Friday 7 October 2016

"Twyford Down"

Twyford Down

"The morning after the festival a disparate group of no more than twenty or so people sat atop one of the most unique pieces of down-land anywhere; the previous night and all the preceding day we had been engaged in music, dance and song, the sun had blazed back off the exposed chalk and flint sculptures, the wind and glare spanking our cheeks into an ancient blush,
Fire had blazed amid, the dance itself...

..and that morning we sat,
At first unsure then; "We are upon the ocean surely?"
Islands in a sea of rolling white and vestigial grey, islands,
The heat grew first, I swear a hand upon my shoulder; "He comes, The Sun King comes!"
Arms out-stretched to the stars he comes,
Heat a lick upon the face, the whisper to the heart, he comes,
Burning the moisture from the air he comes;
"My blood, my Earth gone from me now, torn out!"
From The East...from the east..." G.Hales