Tuesday 30 May 2017

Yet More Footage of the Strike on #Yemen (and more than a suggestion that it has been happening elsewhere) #Ukraine #TacticalNukes

.. although I did post this second video on, "The Lifeboat News" it wouldn't load to Blogger (embed), for some reason, please see; "Tactical Nukes used in Syria, Ukraine & Yemen 2016" (?),
Go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=neKIaVGj-9Y
Nb. The Syrian explosion was at night..and certainly some "special" ordnance is seen being used in the Ukraine.

Arafel: As discussed previously this may be evidence of  "mix and match" where-by the use of a "necessary" but "unfortunate" tactical nuke may be hidden with that of conventional ordnance on the battlefield (provided of-course that that battlefield is "sufficiently" remote).
Also see; ""Unofficial" Nuclear Proliferation: The Little Emperors, EU/NATO Collusion, Israel ibn Saud, Mini-nukes, Syria & The Yemen." Go to: http://www.arafel.co.uk/2016/08/unofficial-nuclear-proliferation-little.html

Very "homogenised" singular explosion for a chemical plant blast and surely the same one seen on the video (not shown), above. Israel possesses nuclear weapons unofficially (in an official kind of way), but only NATO forces should have access to tactical nukes although not in the Ukraine, the Russians possess them certainly but would Putin risk antagonising the West in such a manner?

Quote; "While reports tend to depict the tactical B61 bombs as a relic of the Cold war, the mini nukes are the preferred weapons system for pre-emptive nuclear war. Were an attack directed against Iran to be launched involving the deployment of B61 bunker buster nuclear bombs, these five countries, with Turkey and Italy in the forefront, would play a major strategic role. https://www.rt.com/op-edge/nuclear-war-iran-nato-629/
For full article.

Quote; "News reports about the United States withdrawing its nuclear weapons from Turkey raise a number of questions. First of all, one has to admit that this is a very serious matter, if it is true, of course, as it changes the balance of forces not only in the region - the Middle East, the Black Sea, the Caucasus - but also in the region where these weapons will be relocated.

Nuclear migrants 

Let us assume that the Americans have indeed decided to redeploy nuclear weapons from Turkey. The first question is where to? It was reported that the recipient was Romania, but the authorities of the country refuted the information.
If not Romania, who is ready to accept US nuclear weapons both technically and politically?
In principle, any NATO country is. I do not think that there are considerable technical problems at this point. After all, it goes about tactical, rather than strategic weapons: aviation bombs, warheads for short-range missiles, artillery shells. Of course, all this requires special storage conditions, security and so on, but one does not have to build state-of-the-art constructions for the purpose. 
In general, US weapons may find themselves anywhere in Europe - from Portugal to Bulgaria, Poland and the Baltic states.
Another question is: who in Europe would agree to this? After all, the Europeans  understand that the deployment of such weapons in Europe, especially in the vicinity of Russian borders, will lead to a reciprocal reaction from Moscow. Most likely, Russia will put the above-mentioned weapons on the list of targets for Russian missiles.
Some European politicians, especially from Eastern Europe, follow the principle "the worse - the better," when it comes to their relations with Russia. Yet, even most reckless European officials would not like to make their countries become targets for Russian missiles."" Go to: http://www.pravdareport.com/world/asia/turkey/19-08-2016/135385-usa_nuclear_weapons-0/
For full article.

Quote; "In intensive warfare conditions, up-to-date tactical nuclear weapons can create an illusion of their absence on the battlefield when used together with conventional weapons. For instance, according to Russian military experts nuclear munitions of a new generation were used in Lebanon in 2006 during the operation against the Hezbollah.  The soil samples taken from craters had traces of enriched uranium. At the same time there was no gamma radiation and isotope of cesium 137 resulting from radioactive decay. The radiation level was high inside the craters but went down approximately by half at the distance of just a few meters away.
According to U.S. military sources, the first detonation of a nuclear weapon against another country since 1945 took place approximately 11 miles east of Basra, Iraq sometime between February 2 and February 5, 1991.*" Go to: http://truepublica.org.uk/global/nuclear-war-didnt-know/
For full article.

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