Sunday 25 September 2016

"Barbarism and Rank Hypocrisy; The Allies Finally go Beyond-The-Pale": #Syria #Libya #Yemen #Afghanistan #Iraq #Egypt

Quote; "UNITED NATIONS, Sept 26 – Britain, France and the United States lashed out at Russia yesterday over the worsening carnage in Syria as Syrian and Russian warplanes pounded Aleppo in one of the heaviest bombing raids of the five-year war.
US Ambassador Samantha Power accused Russia of “barbarism” during a Security Council emergency meeting called to demand that Moscow rein in its ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and halt the intense air strikes.
“Instead of pursuing peace, Russia and Assad make war,” Power said. “What Russia is sponsoring and doing is not counter-terrorism. It is barbarism.”
At least 124 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in the bombardment of rebel-held eastern Aleppo since the army on Thursday announced an operation to take it, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said." Go to:

*Barbarism"? When ones allies are apparently using nuclear weapons (an international war-crime),on the poorest of the poor? When one is knowingly allowing the people of that country no aid and succor in order to cover up the crime? When one has oneself already perpetrated nuclear war by using weapons and ordnance manufactured using the toxic by-products of the industry required to manufacture nuclear weapons to bank-roll ones war for dwindling non-renewable resources (the consequences of which one has consistently conspired to ensure are never reported in the mainstream media)?

See; "Depleted Uranium "The Progressive Review" Go to: & "Editorial Balance (re: Syria and the use of W.M.Ds)" Go to:
(Nb. The subject of the  "Black" and "Grey" Flagging of events including the use of chemical agents and other munitions on the Syrian population is a complicated one I do not intend to investigate here -although it lurks somewhere in the miasma-, however like 9/11 the evidence is stacking up and again it doesn't look good)

None of which even bears on the subject of a narrative that consistently ignores the constraints of international law, flagrant hypocrisy such as; “we have to insist that all parties recognize a common humanity and that nations end proxy wars that fuel disorder,” Barack Obama, and the countless instances where it has been The Coalition that has been creating the collateral damage.

Not that any of this should make us apologists for "Gangster Putin" however one does not extinguish a fire by consistently hosing it down with raw crude. "Exceptional America" the only country to have (officially), used nuclear weapons in anger, the "World's Policeman" needs a vacation

both from the service and the international political discourse. The U.K and France (but especially the Brits), need to acknowledge the fact that we have associated ourselves with an endeavour (across the board in the middle east), that can only sully our reputations (formerly and deservedly for oppression and xenophobia -which most had hoped "we" had abandoned with the empires-), for moderation with that of recidivism! Our ludicrous Madame Tussaud's of a monarchy doesn't help and it's time we realised that (essentially), it has been these people keeping them in power..

Quote; "Every July, some of the richest and most powerful men in the world gather at a 2,700 acre campground in Monte Rio, Calif., for two weeks of heavy drinking, super-secret talks, druid worship (the group insists they are simply “revering the Redwoods”), and other rituals.
Their purpose: to escape the “frontier culture,” or uncivilized interests, of common men.
The people that gather at Bohemian Grove — who have included prominent business leaders, former U.S. presidents, musicians, and oil barons — are told that “Weaving Spiders Come Not Here,” meaning business deals are to be left outside. One exception was in 1942, when a planning for the Manhattan Project took place at the grove, leading to the creation of the atom bomb.
A spokesperson for Bohemian Grove say the people that gather there “share a passion for the outdoors, music, and theater.”
The club is so hush-hush that little can be definitively said about it, but much of what we know today is from those who have infiltrated the camp, including Texas-based filmmaker Alex Jones. In 2000, Jones and his cameraman entered the camp with a hidden camera and were able to film a Bohemian Grove ceremony, Cremation of the Care. During the ceremony, members wear costumes and cremate a coffin effigy called “Care” before a 40-foot-owl, in deference to the surrounding Redwood trees.
Bohemian Grove’s spokesperson calls the ceremony “a traditional musical drama celebrating nature and summertime.”..."Philip Weiss, posed as a guest for seven days in 1989, when the waiting list was 33 years long and the grove had several thousand members. Weiss published the article “Inside Bohemian Grove,” writing: “You know you are inside the Bohemian Grove when you come down a trail in the woods and hear piano music from amid a group of tents and then round a bend to see a man with a beer in one hand ... urinating into the bushes. This is the most gloried-in ritual of the encampment, the freedom of powerful men to pee wherever they like," Go to: For full article.

..and from the same article by Phillip Weiss on "Before it's News", quote: "Weiss noticed “hundreds of cigars whose smokers had ignited them in defiance of the California Forest Service’s posted warnings.”
The Bohemian Club’s all-male membership and guest list includes artists, particularly musicians, as well as many prominent business leaders, government officials (including U.S. presidents), senior media executives, and people of power.

Members may invite guests to the Grove although those guests are subject to a screening procedure.
A guest’s first glimpse of the Grove typically is during the “Spring Jinks” in June, preceding the main July encampment. Bohemian club members can schedule private day-use events at the Grove any time it is not being used for Club-wide purposes, and are allowed at these times to bring spouses, family and friends, though female and minor guests must be off the property by 9 or 10 pm.
After 40 years of membership the men earn “Old Guard” status, giving them reserved seating at the Grove’s daily talks, as well as other perquisites.
Former president Herbert Hoover was inducted into the Old Guard on March 19, 1953; he had joined the club exactly 40 years prior.
Redwood branches from the Grove were flown to the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City where they were used to decorate a banquet room for the celebration. In his acceptance speech, Hoover compared the honor of the “Old Guard” status to his frequent role as veteran counselor to later presidents.

The Club motto is “Weaving Spiders Come Not Here”*, which implies that outside concerns and business deals are to be left outside.
When gathered in groups, Bohemians usually adhere to the injunction, though discussion of business often occurs between pairs of members.
Important political and business deals have been developed at the Grove.
The Grove is particularly famous for a Manhattan Project planning meeting that took place there in September 1942, which subsequently led to the atomic bomb.

The Cremation of Care ceremony was first conducted in the Bohemian Grove at the Midsummer encampment in 1881, devised by James F. Bowman with George T. Bromley playing the High Priest.
It was originally set up within the plot of the serious “High Jinks” dramatic performance on the first weekend of the summer encampment, after which the spirit of “Care”, slain by the Jinks hero, was solemnly cremated.
The ceremony served as a catharsis for pent-up high spirits, and “to present symbolically the salvation of the trees by the club …”
The Cremation of Care was separated from the Grove Play in 1913 and moved to the first night to become “an exorcising of the Demon to ensure the success of the ensuing two weeks.”
The Grove Play was moved to the last weekend of the encampment.
The ceremony takes place in front of the Owl Shrine, a 40-foot (12 m) hollow owl statue made of concrete over steel supports.
The moss- and lichen-covered statue simulates a natural rock formation, yet holds electrical and audio equipment within it.
For many years, a recording of the voice of club member Walter Cronkite was used as the voice of The Owl during the ceremony.
Music and pyrotechnics accompany the ritual for dramatic effect.

Though no woman has ever been given full membership in the Bohemian Club, the four female honorary members were hostess Margaret Bowman, poet Ina Coolbrith (who served as librarian for the Club), actress Elizabeth Crocker Bowers and writer Sara Jane Lippincott.
Since Coolbrith’s death in 1928, no other woman has been made a member.
These honorary members and other women guests have been allowed into the Bohemian “City Club” building and as daytime guests of the Grove, but not to the upper floors of the City Club nor as guests to the main summer encampment at the Grove.
Annual “Ladies’ Jinks” were held at the Club especially for spouses and invited guests.
In 1978 the Bohemian Club was charged with discrimination by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing over its refusal to hire women employees." Go to:

*"Moloch" is not a member of either the Hindu, Wiccan  or Norse (come to that), pantheons, not a "natural avatar" of any kind in-fact...quote;

"1. The Name:

The name of a heathen divinity whose worship figures largely in the later history of the kingdom of Judah. As the national god of the Ammonites, he is known as "Milcom" (1 Kings 11:5,7), or "Malcam" ("Malcan" is an alternative reading in 2 Samuel 12:30,31; compare Jeremiah 49:1,3; Zec 1:5, where the Revised Version margin reads "their king"). The use of basileus, and archon, as a translation of the name by the Septuagint suggests that it may have been originally the Hebrew word for "king," melekh. Molech is obtained from melekh by the substitution of the vowel points of Hebrew bosheth, signifying "shame." From the obscure and difficult passage, Amos 5:26, the Revised Version (British and American) has removed "your Moloch" and given "your king," but Septuagint had here translated "Moloch," and from the Septuagint it found its way into the Ac (7:43), the only occurrence of the name in the New Testament.

2. The Worship in Old Testament History:

In the Levitical ordinances delivered to the Israelites by Moses there are stern prohibitions of Molech-worship* (Leviticus 18:21; 20:2-5). Parallel to these prohibitions, although the name of the god is not mentioned, are those of the Deuteronomic Code where the abominations of the Canaanites are forbidden, and the burning of their sons and daughters in the fire (to Molech) is condemned as the climax of their wickedness (Deuteronomy 12:31; 18:10-13). The references to Malcam, and to David's causing the inhabitants of Rabbath Ammon to pass through the brick kiln (2 Samuel 12:30,31), are not sufficiently clear to found upon, because of the uncertainty of the readings. Solomon, under the influence of his idolatrous wives, built high places for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, and for Milcom, the abomination of the children of Ammon. See CHEMOSH. Because of this apostasy it was intimated by the prophet Ahijah, that the kingdom was to be rent out of the hand of Solomon, and ten tribes given to Jeroboam (1 Kings 11:31-33). These high places survived to the time of Josiah, who, among his other works of religious reformation, destroyed and defiled them, filling their places with the bones of men (2 Kings 23:12-14). Molech-worship had evidently received a great impulse from Ahaz, who, like Ahab of Israel, was a supporter of foreign religions (2 Kings 16:12). He also "made his son to pass through the fire, according to the abominations of the nations, whom Yahweh cast out from before the children of Israel" (2 Kings 16:3). His grandson Manasseh, so far from following in the footsteps of his father Hezekiah, who had made great reforms in the worship, reared altars for Baal, and besides other abominations which he practiced, made his son to pass through the fire (2 Kings 21:6). The chief site of this worship, of which Ahaz and Manasseh were the promoters, was Topheth in the Valley of Hinnom, or, as it is also called, the Valley of the Children, or of the Son of Hinnom, lying to the Southwest of Jerusalem (see GEHENNA). Of Josiah's reformation it is said that "he defiled Topheth .... that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech" (2 Kings 23:10).
3. The Worship in the Prophets:
Even Josiah's thorough reformation failed to extirpate the Molech-worship, and it revived and continued till the destruction of Jerusalem, as we learn from the prophets of the time. From the beginning, the prophets maintained against it a loud and persistent protest." Go to: For full article.

*Bold italics mine.

Let's hope it's a better hotel than this one..

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